Company timeline

Important news & milestones in our history

Forzasys signs contract with Svensk Elitfotboll

 April 2024

Forzasys has signed a contract with Svensk Elitfotboll (SEF) in order to develop and operate FotbollPlay.

Collaboration to develope an analytic component 

 February 2024

Together with Orca Labs, we are developing a soccer analytics system for both offline and real-time game analysis.

New NFR funded project

 January 2024

The AI-storyteller project continue investigating AI-solutions for video event curation and summarization. SimulaMet is an important research partner in the project. 

Toppserien is now using 
Forzasys for highlights

 March 2023

Toppserien, the female elite soccer league in Norway, has now statarted using our system for an archive and highlight site.

SHL is testing the Forzify MAM as their archive

 November 2022

Together with Sportality, Forzasys has deployed the Forzify MAM for the Swedish Hockey League (SHL) for the current season.

An Innovative Machine Learning Company

 August 2021

Forzasys has been listed as one of the 55 Most Innovative Norway-Based Machine Learning Companies by Futorology.

New NFR funded project

 July 2021

The AI-producer project will look at how to discover optimal start and end points of an event, like a goal, in a game video using machine learning techniques. SimulaMet is an important research partner in the project. 

Forzasys and Female Football Centre (FFC)

 February 2020

Together with the Department of Holistic Systems at SimulaMet and UiT, the Artic University of Norway, ForzaSys participates in the new Femal Football Centre (FFC) founded by the Tromsø Research Foundation.

"Gaselle" Company in 2019 by DN 

 October 2019

Forzasys is on the 2019 list of Gaselle companies nominated by Dagens Næringsliv (DN) fullfilling the requirements of annual tunrovers and fast growth.

Augere Medical:
Forzasys spin-off

 September 2018

Building on our abnormaly detection in medical video research from Forzasys and Simula, Augere Medical AS is spun off in a collaboration betwen Forzasys and Simula to bring the medical solutions out to the hospitals.

Forzasys signs new contracts with NTF

 September 2018

Forzasys has strengthened the collaboration with NTF. We have signed both a developer and a licencing contract with NTF.

Forzasys has developed a new version of Bagadus

 August 2018

Forzasys has combined the ideas for the Bagadus stadium video recording system and Forzify. A new 180 network camera is used, and Forzify is used as a backend. Tromsø IL and Fredrikstad FK are first users.